New Client Registration Form
Thank you for considering our hospital as your pet’s provider of veterinary services. We are dedicated to maintaining the health of your pet and look forward to many future years together.
Please complete this form as fully as possible before your first appointment which will help expedite the registration process and give us valuable insight in providing optimal care for your pet(s). The required sections have an * asterisk.
Medical records need to be submitted before any appointment will be booked for your pet. Please contact your previous veterinary clinic and get them to send the records to
This does not apply to new puppy/kitten appointments. Please state in the box about “relevant information” that it is a new puppy/kitten appointment.
Thanks, The BTVC Team
By clicking submit, you are consenting for your pet’s photos/videos to be published on Bridle Trail’s social media (Facebook & Instagram) and/or website. You authorize Bridle Trail Veterinary Clinic to edit, alter, and share the photograph(s)/video(s) mentioned above. You waive any rights of compensation associated with the use of your pet’s image(s) for the commercial purposes outlined above. We will only ever post your pet’s name, age, and/or breed. Never your personal information.
If you wish to opt out of this, please make a note of it in the “relevant information” box on the form.